Friday, June 29, 2007

Furahi Day

Come Friday and especially a Friday that falls during End Month...U don't need to be told the mood in the's always fully charged...everyone is so excited no wonder Nameless and Nonini had to sing about "FURAHI DAY".
Friday checks in....The mood in the office is ecstatic,everyone looking at wall clock in the office wishing they could fast forward them hours..but before we's time to call it a day...after a hard day's toil.The journey to City Center which normally takes 15-20mins at most,took us a whole 40mins..traffic bumper to bumper,The Public Service Vehicles don't make the situation any better,they are crab driving from the last lane to the first lane on a 6(six)lane is left to wonder how they acquired their driving licenses.The dresscode in the streets is casual everyone vibing on the cell phone making plans on how they will club hop,By 7pm all clubs in town are fully packed,guys making merry and practically enjoying the Friday evening..By 3am it's only the designated sober drivers who are getting it down on the dance floor...5pm and the clubs are empty U can only spot a few jammaz n chicks who blacked out n were left behind by their buddies..
I came to the conclusion that if their people on planet earth who know how to have fun n have fun to the fullest are Kenyans..somebody proof me wrong...

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Roulette said...
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